About me.

Artist Statement 

My artistic journey is a search for identity and self-awareness. I am an adoptee who is in Reunion with both the maternal and paternal sides of my biological family.

When I found my birth mother at age 32, I learned that she was an artist. I have since learned that her mother was too. At the age of 54, I found my birth father as well as three half-siblings that I never knew I had.

Now in my sixties, I have begun to explore the full dimensions of my identity through the medium of oil painting. I like to paint my biological family, to feel more connected to them. Much of this has to do with piecing together my fragmented identity. It seems like a holistic, healing activity to me.

I am going through a transition to a new home in Frederick, MD, and a new art studio at the new Frederick Arts Council Artist Studios.


Born and adopted in 1961 in Alexandria, VA.  My adoptive parents named me Edward D. Knight, which is still my legal name.  I am painting as E.P. Scott.  The E is for Edward, the name of my biological maternal grandfather.  The P is for the first name of my birth mother.  Scott is the name of my birth father, and his mother's maiden name.  Raised in Damascus, MD.  Graduated George Washington University with a B.A. in Journalism.  

Worked at The Washington Post for many years in the Circulation and IT Departments.  Now retired.

In Reunion with biological family - maternal side since 1993 and paternal side since 2015, and still close to adoptive family.  Discovered that my birth mother is an artist.

As an adult adoptee, I try to maintain a “both-and” approach to my biological and adoptive families instead of an “either-or” approach.

Married to Steven Frank since 2009, and in relationship since 1982.   Steven was born Deaf and went blind later in life.  He is my inspiration.

2023 graduate of Master Artist Program at The Compass Atelier in Rockville, MD.  Work featured in Thesis Show at the Mansion at Strathmore in February 2023.  The theme of my thesis was "Reunion", meaning reunion with my biological family.  This worked explored the psychological implications of that reunion.

Planning to move to Frederick, MD in fall of 2023 and have a studio there.

A member of the Capital Coalition for Adoptee Rights, Adoptees United, and American Adoption Congress.